Industrial Sector

S.C.A.D.A. and Quality Control Modules for Industrial Applications

P&M Engineering offers custom SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) for monitoring, control and management of industrial plants.
Our solutions allow:


In the “food and beverage” sector, P&M has experience from many years to support its customers in the design of forming machinery, both for classic brick containers and new forms such as pouches.

Our skills also cover the design of machines for aseptically filling containers with liquid or semi-liquid food through advanced engineering tools such as multiphase fluid-dynamic numerical calculation codes.

P&M also assists its clients by creating fully functional prototypes and mini-series, with the possibility to execute experimental test campaigns using the same instrument. Thus, P&M supports the supply of control instrument in forming machines lines.

Finally, P&M supplies specialized test benches for sample control of production processes, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of bending beads and the quality of heat-sealed seams at container opening holes.