P&M Engineering has developed a specific module for welding the crank assy of actuators. Derived from the common platform of P&M modules for the automotive sector, this machine performs the following functions:
- Reading and coding of managed sub-components;
- Power supply and escapements of the components to be welded;
- Robotic manipulation of the components to be welded;
- Laser welding with scanning head of crank assy;
- Quantitative verification of the welding process with image acquisition system;
- Check of the mechanical tolerances of crank assy.
The cycle time of the machine is less than 20 [s] and can be optimized according to the setting parameters that can be set via the recipe, through which the acceptance / reject parameters of the controlled product can also be changed.
All data is acquired and processed in real time through FPGAs and industrial RT processors. The records are sent to an external database or saved in local disk for total traceability of the characteristics of each product.